xConvertor – hub for establishing a connection to exchanges
vwd TransactionSolutions AG is a financial brokerage company, which develops, operates and offers financial securities trading and distribution systems. With several important in-house systems, vwd is a key player in the financial brokerage and market connectivity on the European stock exchanges.
The overall focus is on the operation of securities trading centres in a wide variety of forms:
- off-exchange
- on-exchange
- limit trading
- request-for-quotes
- matching systems
xConvertor is a B2B connectivity solution providing customized access to many different stock or energy exchanges as a primary connection for trading. It connects brokers with markets and market makers and converts their communication (e.g., orders, quotes, etc.). The conversion is not only covering different technical interfaces (e.g., various FIX dialects, JSON, etc.), but it also provides business logic conversions. As an example, we compensate differences in message workflows, map and convert differently generated IDs and do other content conversions of the messages.
Application architecture was decided to be a point-to-point bridge with inner routing and generic, highly configurable conversion engine. Specific type of routing differs between plugins. Application supports multiple connections in a single instance and multiple instances running in parallel.
Technologies: Java 11, Spring, QuickFixJ, Log4J, Gradle, Oracle SQL, Git