Platform for secure data transmission
Der Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e.V. (PKV) represents the general interests of private health insurance companies. They operate the product called PKV-Konnektor which consists of several web applications.
The “PKV-Konnektor” is a platform for various specialist services. It offers a solution for secure data transmission between member companies and between member companies and the PKV association.
Our team created new web applications for PKV-Konnektor called XBRL Konverter and BVA. XBRL Konverter uses Apache POI for parsing and generating excel reports having web frontend created in Vaadin.
The BVA Service is an application for creating, managing and sending reports to BVA (Bundesversicherungsamt).
Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Vaadin, Spring MVC, JavaScript, Eclipse, Vaadin, JavaScript and Spring Framework, Tomcat and JBoss EAP,DB2, MSSQL, Oracle11g, PostgreSQL
Developed in: Scrum, Kanban