iOS/Android application for finding a perfect fit for lunch
SMANCH is an iOS/Android application which helps users to find a perfect fit for lunch (based on their current taste) and share this idea with their friends. Application works with daily menus and the main difference to existing solutions on the market is working with dishes, not just restaurants.
Restaurants can register and create daily menus in Web application using very fast drag&drop method. Application works with Daily menus and the main difference to existing solutions on the market is working with Dishes not just Restaurants (like e.g. Zomato). Users can use free text search, Kitchen search, Food type search to find nearest/the cheapest dish based on their preference.
The main features for restaurants
- Define restaurant’s profile (location, contact, type)
- Define lunch menu for the whole week (Monday – Friday)
- Add / remove lunch menu for the current week
- Multiple dishes possibility for each day
- Add / remove lunch menu dish item
- Autocomplete dish search box in the mobile app
- Food category drop-down based specification
- Price definition
- Password reset with email link
- Email notification and welcome emails
The main features for users:
- Filter to search specific food / cuisine type
- Search radius definition
- Dynamic location to list dishes in defined range nearby
- Sorting based on Distance / Price
- Loading more results
- Click food to see the complete lunch menu
- Sharing
- Inviting users for Lunch
- Favorite restaurant
- Delivery option
- Results section with Food name, Restaurant icon/name, Distance, Price
Technologies: System is based on .NET backend with Angular front-end and running on Amazon cloud. Used technologies and infrastructure: .NET, Angular, Bootstrap, Ionic, Amazon cloud (S3 Bucket, Postrgre SQL, Lambda)