There are six foundation blocks (Version control, Continuous integration, Issue tracking, Unit tests, Reviews, Code analysis) that ensure the quality of the software and therefore of the product itself. Various synergies between the specific parts enable transparency and maintainability. At the same time these components work as a toolkit for every single software developer.

Through the usage of a version control, each modification of the code is comprehensibly documented, and each version can be restored at any time. This grants flexibility to the development and allows a precise analysis of all arising errors of the software.  

The use of a continuous integration (CI) system allows a controlled compiling of new software versions as well as continuous reporting for the developers regarding any arising errors during the compilation. Additionally, automatically elicited key figures, which display the state of the product, can be generated and reported. Features and bugs, as well as milestones and project tasks, are managed through the Issue tracking system (JIRA and / or Confluence). This creates traceable and transparent development from requirement analysis to delivery and allows the creation of relationships between individual tasks or features. 

The Interaction between these three systems (Version Control, CI, Issue Tracker) as well as the interaction of the developers with them provides additional benefits, which increase the quality of the products even more. Any changes only need to be documented once, since the version control, issue tracking and CI systems automatically transfer the modifications. Because of this automatic transfer to the Issue Tracking System, every change is assigned uniquely to one requirement, which provides complete traceability to each action. The developer gains quick feedback through the CI System, since each change in code automatically generates a new software-version.

The usage of Unit-Tests and the integration of these tests into the CI System allows a quick identification and debugging of errors, even while the software is still in development.  

Additional to this, reviews ensure that at least two people view and test the code before a component is cleared for further testing. GmbH is the innovative competence center for the digitalization of medical care in private practice. The company develops innovative platform, web and app solutions – for instance for the connection of doctors with each other, for the connection of doctors with their patients, for the provision and booking of medical appointments or for information about emergency practices.

There is a platform (Electronic Appointment Service ETS) for booking medical appointments for persons with statutory health insurance. This is a highly distributed system. Individual microservices handle various tasks. The services communicate via a message broker; the frontend is supplied via REST.

The goal of this project was to extend the system with functional requirements, to normalize it technically and to optimize the architecture in parts. The tasks included:

  • Implementation of individual features incl. unit and integration tests.
  • Planning and conceptualization of technical tasks
  • Checking and optimizing code quality

Scrum was used as the development methodology.

person in white long sleeve shirt holding gray pen

A sub-project of the ETS was Impfterminservice (ITS), where one can book the appointment for the coronavirus vaccination.


Backend: Java, Spring / SpringBoot, Hibernate, POI, SolR, Liquibase, Freemarker, Resteasy, TestNG/Hamcrest, Mysql, Couchbase, ActiveMQ, Docker, IDEA

Frontend: Angular (for patients), AngularJS (for doctors)

MediService AG is a company active in the field of healthcare and well-being that was founded in Switzerland over 20 years ago. Main areas of business are the online pharmacy and treatment of chronically ill patients. The services provided include prescription maintenance (in cooperation with doctors and health insurance providers), online medication ordering and their delivery (including items only available outside Switzerland) and individual therapy for chronically ill patients in their own home.

xitee developed and still maintains the web application Kundenkonto, which allows patients or users to create and track orders for medicines online. It is also possible for them to maintain their contact details (e.g. delivery addresses) or available prescriptions. The application was primarily conceived and designed for mobile devices.

assorted-color medication pills

KundenKonto consists of 2 parts:

1, User part
a. Registration process
b. Login
c. Password management
d. E-shop operations
i. Selection of a medicine based on a doctor’s prescription
ii. Entering the quantity
iii. Filling in the delivery address
iv. Date of delivery
v. Summary of the order
vi. …..
e. Order management/history
f. Notification
g. User data management
i. E-mail
ii. Address management

2, Administration part (designed for tablet)
a. Registration (Login)
b. User account management
c. Administration and management of medical prescriptions

Technologies: Vaadin 10.0.4 (was later migrated from xitee to Vaadin 14.), Java 8, Tomcat 8.5, Maven 4.0.0, PostgreSQL 9.6., JIRA (Atlassian)

compass pflegeberatung GmbH is an independent subsidiary of the Association of Private Health Insurance (Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung = PKV) which fulfills the advisory requirements of all privately insured persons and their relatives. The telephone care advice is open to everyone who needs advice on care. Free and independent. Our team was working on the development of a completely new modern solution (web-application) that allows compass to manage/provide care consultancy in the most effective and user-friendly way.

xitee, together with HBSN Consulting GmbH, supported and accompanied the client compass throughout the entire project, from brainstorming for a user-friendly and intuitive application to the design of application scenarios and the elaboration of technical requirements to the development of the new core application.

woman in black leather jacket using macbook air

The goal of the project was to replace the existing application with a new and modern web and mobile application that would improve the user experience and make it more intuitive. The result was a browser-based application based on Java, Spring Boot, MS SQL and Docker.

This was implemented in a hybrid project management with an interplay of classic and agile procedures. The core application was divided into individual functions that were specified together, taking into account the priority given by compass. This resulted in the content of the backlog for the work packages. Development took place in defined sprints with the aim of delivering an increment after each sprint.

The core application is a completely new development of an individual software, which was specially designed to meet the requirements and wishes of compass. It contains the complete documentation for the care counseling according to § 7a SGB XI and the counseling visits according to § 37 paragraph 3 SGB XI.

The intuitive structure of the system guides the care counselors as users through the entire processes from the creation of new clients in the basic data to making appointments and conducting the counseling on site or on the phone. The versatile functions include, among other things, comprehensive documentation, billing and the creation of invoices, sending of faxes from the system and an associated document management system. Also integrated is the technical solution of a calendar function including synchronization with Outlook. Furthermore, an assessment has been integrated.

For the users, a user-friendly environment and interface is provided in terms of layout and operability for work in the office (web application) and on the move (mobile). Access rights to the individual functionalities have been implemented with a detailed role and authorization concept.

The new development was conducted in 15 months and introduced “in time” in September 2020. Further development to integrate additional functionalities is planned for 2022.

Technologies: Spring Security, OAuth and JWT. Backend is in Java, Gradle, Spring Boot and Hibernate whereas Frontend is in JavaScript and Angular. As API we use Swagger and as servers Tomcat and Nginx. Database used is MS SQL DB Cluster. Realtime search via Elastic.

Der Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e.V. (PKV) represents the general interests of private health insurance companies. They operate the product called PKV-Konnektor which consists of several web applications.

The “PKV-Konnektor” is a platform for various specialist services. It offers a solution for secure data transmission between member companies and between member companies and the PKV association.

person sitting while using laptop computer and green stethoscope near

Our team created new web applications for PKV-Konnektor called XBRL Konverter and BVA. XBRL Konverter uses Apache POI for parsing and generating excel reports having web frontend created in Vaadin.

The BVA Service is an application for creating, managing and sending reports to BVA (Bundesversicherungsamt).

Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Vaadin, Spring MVC, JavaScript, Eclipse, Vaadin, JavaScript and Spring Framework, Tomcat and JBoss EAP,DB2, MSSQL, Oracle11g, PostgreSQL

Developed in: Scrum, Kanban

Interpretation software for conferences, events, business meetings and more

Online DEMO

An innovative software for simultaneous interpretation is looking to revolutionize the traditional way of this industry.

Eliminating large size interpreting booths, extensive travel times for interpreters, and high fees for event organizers will give a fresh look at interpreting.

crowd of people sitting on chairs inside room

Interpreters are able to work from remote with all necessary audio-visual requirements to provide a professional service together with additional benefits to their clients.

Technologies: .NET Core 2.0, Web Api, Entity Framework (with migrations) + SQL Azure, Angular

SMANCH is an iOS/Android application which helps users to find a perfect fit for lunch (based on their current taste) and share this idea with their friends. Application works with daily menus and the main difference to existing solutions on the market is working with dishes, not just restaurants.

assorted-variant of food lot

Restaurants can register and create daily menus in Web application using very fast drag&drop method. Application works with Daily menus and the main difference to existing solutions on the market is working with Dishes not just Restaurants (like e.g. Zomato). Users can use free text search, Kitchen search, Food type search to find nearest/the cheapest dish based on their preference.

The main features for restaurants
  • Define restaurant’s profile (location, contact, type)
  • Define lunch menu for the whole week (Monday – Friday)
  • Add / remove lunch menu for the current week
  • Multiple dishes possibility for each day
  • Add / remove lunch menu dish item
  • Autocomplete dish search box in the mobile app
  • Food category drop-down based specification
  • Price definition
  • Password reset with email link
  • Email notification and welcome emails
The main features for users:
  • Filter to search specific food / cuisine type
  • Search radius definition
  • Dynamic location to list dishes in defined range nearby
  • Sorting based on Distance / Price
  • Loading more results
  • Click food to see the complete lunch menu
  • Sharing
  • Inviting users for Lunch
  • Favorite restaurant
  • Delivery option
  • Results section with Food name, Restaurant icon/name, Distance, Price

Technologies: System is based on .NET backend with Angular front-end and running on Amazon cloud. Used technologies and infrastructure: .NET, Angular, Bootstrap, Ionic, Amazon cloud (S3 Bucket, Postrgre SQL, Lambda)

For our customer specialized in intelligent electronics and security technology, W&H Austria GmbH, we developed a platform based on a technology ThingWorx – a technology that was purpose-built from the ground up for the Internet of Things. It contains the complete set of integrated IoT-specific development tools and capabilities available, offering the industry’s deepest functional competencies.

The purpose of the platform is to monitor and control all the medical devices assigned to the platform and to ensure further service and maintenance of these devices. It also helps the producers to eliminate imperfections and bugs of the devices thanks to the constant monitoring of them.

At the moment, there are three types of devices assigned to the platform – a dentist drill, a drill washer and a sterilizer. All of them are constantly monitored by service operators and in a case of need (a problem or a damage), there is a field technician service available to immediate service and reparation.

In addition, there will be more medical devices successively added to the platform that could be later on used for example in hospitals when monitoring patients (breathing, heartbeat …).  Moreover, in the future, the focus of the platform will be broader (not only medical oriented) and there will be more devices on the platform from different fields of industry.

Technologies: ThingWorx, JavaScript, and XML

Šprechtíme is a joint campaign of the Embassies of Germany and Austria which aim is to promote the German language in the Czech Republic.  The main goal of the application is to show the Czech public that German can be fun during the school lessons and useful later in the working life.

The web portal “Šprechtíme database” was developed based on a content management system WordPress. The application contains a database of organizations which are associated with the German language, such as schools, kindergartens, cultural organizations and others. The database can be browsed according to the target group, region or type, so e.g. parents of small children can easily find a kindergarten with the German focus in their region. There is also a possibility for the users of the database to get details about selected organization via email or to easily print them.

“Šprechtíme database” is designed to be easily configurable for authorized users, meaning that they can easily add new or edit existing organization through the web interface.

Technologies: WordPress

AGRANA is an internationally oriented Austrian company which processes agricultural commodities to produce a wide range of industrial products. With around 8,600 personnel based at 53 production facilities located around the world, AGRANA maintains a global presence in agricultural market. AGRANA has been listed in the Prime Market segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange since 1991 and currently is part of the Raiffeisen Group.

vegetable stand

As there are many affiliates of the company using different types and formats of data our team was responsible for development of a reporting tool which helps to unify these data and simplify the reporting process.

The application offers the central database with a web user interface to see, edit and insert the employees’ data. Moreover it offers the possibility of bulk import of the data and provides resulting reports usually as MS Excel files.

Technologies: Java 8, Spring, Hibernate, Vaadin 7, MSSQL, JasperReports