SoftwareParadies is a German software company with seat in Dresden which is specialized in software for architects. Its core product is Vi2000 – an application for planning, outline, 2D and 3D visualization of buildings and for calculation of costs. The program enables architects to calculate all costs necessary to build the house, including all materials used.

person drafting on blueprint

Our team is responsible for the development of a new version of the system and the simplification of the user interface. The new version is, therefore, more user-friendly and it is also possible to be used on the desktop as well as on the tablet.

Technologies: C++, Qt

Eurex is one of the world’s leading derivatives exchanges offering a broad range of international benchmark products, operating the most liquid fixed income markets in the world and featuring open and low-cost electronic access.

Our company has been working on developing, testing and maintenance of the Eurex Trading System since 2006. During the time the system has been extended several times, starting with the version Eurex 10. Currently we are maintaining the system version Eurex 14.

black and silver laptop computer

The newest version of the system provides members with greater choice and enhanced flexibility in how they connect to the Eurex network through new interfaces, further clearing and risk management improvements as well as performance optimization.

Our team was responsible for functional testing for changed functionality of flexible options and futures. In the market risk management and data warehouse subsystems, changes of flexible options and futures were implemented and tested. In addition, existing restrictions of transaction and master data volumes were analyzed and extended according to the foreseen figures.

Technologies: OpenVMS, C/C++, Cobol, SQL, OpenVMS, Oracle RDB, DCL – Digital Command Language, TAFT, inter-process communication